Najprej sem si odtisnila cvet in nekaj listja z črno
versafine blazinico na akvarelni papir. Odtise sem ko so bili še mokri posula s
prozornim embosing prahom in embosirala. Pri akvarelnem barvanju to rada
naredim, saj imam tako malo več kontrole nad samo barvo, ki jo nanašam na
odtis. Tokrat to ne bi bilo niti potrebno saj sem želela da se barva čim bolj
razliva po cvetu. Na celoten cvet sem najprej nanesla kar nekaj vode, nato pa
na to vodo s čopičem dodajala barvo. Barva se je razlivala vsepovsod tam kjer
je bila voda in ustvarjala čudovite prehode in sence. Na enak način sem
pobarvala tudi liste. Ko se je vse skupaj dobro posušilo sem motive izrezala z
rezalnimi šablonami.
Pripravila sem si še en kartonček, ki sem ga uporabila za
ozadje na voščilnici. Ko sem na ta kartoček namestila cvetoči aranžama, pa mi
je bilo ozadje preprazno, zato sem si precej razredčila še rdečo in črno
akvarelno barvo in jo našpicala po celotnem kartončku. Ko se je ozadje čisto
posušila pa sem nanj prilepila še cvet in nekaj zelenih listkov. Cvet sem tudi
tokrat malo privzdignila s 3d peno. Ostal mi je le še napis, ki pa sem ga
tokrat izrezala z rezalno šablono iz črnega kartona. Voščilnica je tako
In front of us is another flowering card. Jennifer showed us some wonderful watercolor painting techniques. Let's see how the card below came about.
First, I stamped flowers and some leaves with a black
versafine pad on watercolor paper. I sprinkled the stamps with clear embossing
powder while they were still wet and embossed them. When it comes to watercolor
painting, I like to do this because I have so little more control over the
paint itself that I apply it to the stamped image. This time it wouldn't even be
necessary as I wanted the color to spill over the flower as much as possible. I
first applied quite a bit of water to the whole flower and then added paint to
that water with a brush. The color spilled everywhere where there was water and
created beautiful transitions and shadows. I also stamped and colored the
leaves in the same way. When everything dried well, I cut out the motifs with
cutting dies.
I prepared another card that I used for the background on
the card. When I placed the blossoming arrangements on this card, my background
was too empty, so I diluted the red and black watercolor paint a lot and
sprinkled it all over the card. When the background was completely dry, I
pasted a flower and some green leaves on it. I raised the flower a little this
time with 3d foam. All that was left for me was the sentiment, which this time
I cut out with a cutting die from black cardboard. The card is thus finished.
Za izdelavo voščilnice sem uporabila:
Rezalne šablone:
- Altenew: Peony bouquet
- Mavelu: Zabavni pravokotniki
- Najlepši par: Čestitke 4
- Altenew: Peony bouquet
Embosing prah:
- Ranger: Clear
Versafine: Onyx black
Kuretake watercolor
Se beremo kmalu z novo objavo.
So gorgeous! Thank you for sharing!