
Na vrsti je že drugi del Educator porgrama pri Altenew. Tudi tokrat smo se posvetili večplastnim štampiljkam.

Za to nalogo sem uporabila štampiljke Peony bouquet. Prekrasne štampiljke, ki so se dolgo skrivale v moji omari in čakale da zasijejo v vsej svoji lepoti.

Odločila sem se, da bom sam cvet na voščilnico odtisnila štirikrat. Po dvakrat na vsako stran, vmes pa dodala veliko zelenja. Tudi pri tej voščilnici je bilo potrebnega kar nekaj maskiranja, da se je zelenje lepo skrilo za cvetoče potonike. Dodala sem še izrez iz črnega fotokartona in pa nekaj sekvinčkov iz zaloge. Ker mi je vseeno še nakaj manjkalo sem dodala še par kalpljic glossy accentss.



It is the turn of the second part of the Educator program at Altenew. Once again, we focused on multi-layered stamps.

I used Peony bouquet stamps for this task. Beautiful stamps that have been hiding in my closet for a long time and waiting to shine in all their beauty.

I decided to stamp the flower itself on the card four times. Twice on each side, adding lots of greens in between. Even with this greeting card, quite a bit of masking was needed to make the greenery nicely hide behind the blooming peonies. I also added a cutout made of black cardstock and some sequins from stock. Since I was still missing something, I added a couple of drops of glossy accentss.


Uporabila sem:


·         ALTENEW: Peony bouquet


Rezalne šablone:

·         MAVELU: Zabavni pravokotniki

·         MAVELU: Oval z žarki

·         MAVELU: Zate

Altenew barvne blazinice: soft lilac, lavender fields, midnight violet, deep iris, moss, olive


Se beremo kmalu z novo objavo.




  1. Fabulous colours!! Love the card. Thank you for submitting your wonderful work to the AECP assignment gallery.


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