S tokratno voščilnico sem čakala čisto do konca, da jo
naredim. Ustvarjanje scene ni moja domena. Vendar pa nam je Nichol pokazala
toliko lepih primerov, da je bilo vredno poizkusiti. Po nešteto poskusih je
nastala spodnja voščilnica.
Na koncu sem se odločila za sukulente. Več različnih sem
razporedila po voščilnici. Najprej sem vse lonce in sukulente večplastno
odtisnila in jih maskirala v luštno postavitev. Ko sem imela vse odtisnjeno pa
mi barve niso bile preveč všeč zato sem vse motive pobarvala še z barvicami,
jim dodala malo senc in takoj so malo
bolj zaživeli. Polico sem na koncu skupaj z vsem lonci maskirala zato da sem
lahko naredila ozadje. Za ozadje sem uporabila altenew blazinico vanilla cream.
Celotno ozadje sem z omenjeno blazinico najprej posenčila, nato pa na pobarvano
ozadje postavila stencil šablono Broken chevrons in tudi to posenčila z Vanilla
cream blazinico. Tako je nastalo lepo ozadje. Izbrana stencil šablona pa tudi
ne izstopa preveč. Odtisnila sem le še napis v sivi barvi in voščilnica je bila
With this greeting card, I waited right until the end to
make it. Creating a scene is not my domain. However, Nichol showed us so many
beautiful examples that it was worth a try. After countless attempts, the card
below was created.
In the end, I opted for succulents. I arranged several
different ones on the card. First, I multi-layered all the pots and succulents
and masked them into a cute layout. When I had everything stamped, I didn't
like the colors too much, so I painted all the motifs with color pencils,
added a little shade to them and they immediately came to life a little more. I
ended up masking the shelf along with all the pots so I could make a
background. I used an Altenew Vanilla cream pad for the background. I first
shaded the whole background with the mentioned pad, then I put a stencil
template Broken Chevrons on the painted background and also shaded it with a
Vanilla cream pad. This created a beautiful background. The selected stencil
template also does not stand out too much. I only stamped the sentiment in gray
and the card was finished.
Uporabila sem:
Rezalne šablone:
- Najlepši par: Pravokotniki s šivi
- Najlepši par: Za posebno osebo
- Altenew: Indoor garden
- Altenew: Broken Chevrons
Altenew inks:
- Vanilla Cream
Se beremo kmalu z novo objavo.
Super kombinacija barv in postavitve.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAbsolutely fantastic! Keep up the good work! Thank you for submitting your work to the AECP assignment gallery.